Community radio means you! KLSN Community Radio is a nonprofit, noncommercial, volunteer-run, community-driven, listener-supported radio station.
A radio station needs a lot of people!
As a member of the community, you can join with your neighbors and friends to keep KLSN on the air in order to bring community radio Oakley, Brentwood, Antioch and other East Contra Costa communities.
Volunteering can take many paths.
example, KLSN needs persons with an interest in education to help with outreach programs to local high schools interested in starting student radio
programs. If you have a flair for
project management, you could help produce radio shows. The KLSN event booth will need volunteers who like to meet people and talk about community radio.
Radio is fun!
If you are interested in broadcast journalism, music, community affairs, radio engineering, sound production, recording arts, or just want to get involved
in a great community nonprofit organization, you are welcome to join KLSN.
The following is a list of skills needed to keep KLSN Community Radio on the air. Take a look and see if you can find a match for your area of expertise or interest. Good attitudes, an aptitude for learning and a positive outlook are always welcome!
Call (925) 625-KLSN or e-Mail to join the KLSN Community Radio team!